LinkTab is a powerful search engine for all tablature published in the Network, the largest and most comprehensive archive of tablature and scores for diatonic accordion available today on the Web.
Thanks to an exceptional team of collaborators, the LinkTab project was born with the objective of creating a powerful search engine that will examine all the material now available online, making it immediately usable by the user.
LinkTab allows you to obtain the desired tablature in a few clicks, making the comparison between those available and choose the one that best meets your needs.
LinkTab allows everyone to easily discover new authors and new repertoires. Cross Searches by author, title or region are just some examples of research opportunities offered by LinkTab.
The project is ongoing work and the number of tablature available will grow day by day.

Stato attuale del progetto:
- 2826 tunes
- 256 authors
- 46 genres
- 43 contries
- 31 indexed websites
Disclaimer. In accordance with Italian Law No 22 April 1941 633, art. 70, collection of tablature that is offered with this system of research aims to provide an anthology on a purely educational, cultural and scientific purpose. For this reason we have always pointed out the origin of each tablature reported. Is expressly prohibited to reproduce the tablature for profit and / or commercial use. Please, cite the original source link for any other use.